Community Issues

Congregational Teams: Community Issues Team

The Community Issues team attends local Council, Civic Trust, Community Police meetings to gather an overall view of  local issues which may affect the members of the Kilmacolm Parish Church. The team makes regular contact with the Church of Scotland’s charitable project Crossreach, in particular the work of Adams House for dementia residents. The congregation donates generously to the Foodbank charity run by the United Reformed Church, Port Glasgow.

The team has set up a new social group in Kilmacolm, meeting in Kidston Hall on 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month, called OUTLOOK. It is open to all people regardless of church loyalty, or faith – it is a mission outreach for the whole community aiming to provide an afternoon of friendship and fellowship.

We also liaise with other organisations in Kilmacolm to raise the profile of the Old Kirk and encourage usage of Kidston Hall.