About Kilmacolm Parish Church
Kilmacolm Parish Church is the historic Church of Scotland parish church in the village. The name Kilmacolm itself is derived from the Gaelic for ‘church or cell’ of ‘Columba’. Tradition has it that the great Saint of Glasgow, Mungo, and the great Saint of Iona, Columba, met here at the Gillburn and exchanged pastoral staffs as a sign of mutual acceptance. There is a stained glass window in the church today that depicts both saints in memory of this meeting. In any event there has been a Christian presence on or about this site since the Celtic monastic missions of the sixth century.
Today, however, we are very much a contemporary church of the Church of Scotland. The Church of Scotland finds its origins in the pre-reformation church in Scotland and it is the national and established church of the country. It is Presbyterian in government and Reformed and Catholic in doctrine, practice and belief.
Our worship service is traditional in form, but also, we believe, lively, relevant and engaged with everyday life. At its heart lies the faithful preaching of God’s word into the contemporary situation. The congregation has recently restructured its communal life and produced a vision statement to more faithfully order its communal life of worship and praise in accordance with the gospel priorities that Christ himself enunciated at the beginning of his ministry in Nazareth. As a congregation of Christian people we thus seek to offer ourselves in service to the community in which we are set and to the larger world in which we live in the name of Christ. We extend a warm welcome to one and all, and trust that you will find this place to be an oasis of calm and refreshment where your soul is nurtured, your hope revived, your faith renewed and your vision for God’s work in this world reborn.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 1:3)
Data Protection Policy
The Data Protection Act 1998 regulates the way in which information about living individuals is collected, stored, or transferred. Kilmacolm Old Kirk has adopted the Data Protection Policy recommended by the Church of Scotland and a copy of this can be accessed here. Data Protection Policy