Sunday Duty Rota 2022


April  4 + 11 Ian Morrice Sandra Crawford Anne McGregor
  18 + 25 Margaret Lymburn Colin Houston  Susan Houston
May 2 + 9 Gordon McGibbon  Andrea Hargreaves Tim Winning
  16 + 23 Jill Russell Frank Walker  Mike Abram 
May 30
June  6 Irene McIndoe  David Wilson  Stuart Wilson 
  13 + 20 Ronnie McDermid  Heather Mutch  David Ellis 
If unable to attend, arrange an exchange and advise team leader and Session Clerk 
Elders on duty will automatically be reserved a seating space.  If accompanied by 
someone else, that person will require to pre-book a space  
Face coverings must be worn throughout and all inner doors must remain open
Arrive at 10.25 am and become conversant with seating layout  
Team leader to stand in inner vestibule and direct those arriving to appropriate 
aisle.  Before service starts, lock offering in Session House cupboard.  Leave for 
72 hours, then count and bank in usual way or count and hand in offering to
Ian Morrice, who will bank later    
Ushers to stand in designated aisle to direct members to seat allocated on 
arrival. At close of service, invite members to leave via the Port Glasgow Road exit, 
one row at a time, starting from the front